

” Our Gurudev often quotes this familiar sentence “I want to bless you not only with peace but also with bliss” “
” Have firm faith in your Gurudev. Though Pandavas were accompanied by Bhagwan Krishna, they had to pass through many thick and thin. Even in trials and tribulation they did not give up Krishna. Just the same way, however critical problems you have to face, never lose courage & be attached to your Shree Gurudev in storm and stress of your life “
” Give ‘response’ instead of ‘reaction’ “
” Believe in ‘choice’ not in ‘chance’ “
” Bhagwan Krishna had played flute on ‘Seshnag’. This is very symbolic. ‘Seshnag’ is symbol of terror which means that he had played flute on terror. “
” Our possessions affect out mind. For example, the man with a stick will definitely think to beat. In the same way, the man accompanied by pious book will be full of pious thoughts. “
” One boy who ventured far out the sea in the ship in company of his father who was an expert fisherman, faced a wild strom. The other passengers in the ship were horrified at this sight. But the boy was not even deterred by the fear of death. Though his ship was caught in a strom, he signing merrily. The horrified passengers surprisingly asked him, “How can you sing in such a critical situation? Are you not afraid?” In reply to this question, the boy expressed his deep trust on his father by saying that being in company of his papa, an expert, why should he fear? This simple story is very symbolic. Just like the boy, you are accompanied by your Shree Gurudev in your voyage of life. You may have to face many strom and stress. But if you are in the company of your Gurudev, why should you have fear? Your Gurudev will protect your ship from drawning a sea even in strom and stress. “
” Whatever you do, do it with pleasure. “
” Never consider any work trivial. When we don’t work sincerely, we ourselves become trivial. “
“Have firm faith in your Gurudev, everything will be managed. If you have no faith in your Gurudev, your well arranged plan will turn down. “
” Life consists of moments. Be conscious about each moment. The life of the person who can not value the moment will be in danger “
” Arise your energy and be helpful and be a blessing to society. “