

“Research means to search again- to modify, which has already been searched out previously. All scientist do research, they do not search. The existence of truth is already there we have to unveil it.”
” When can you deny? You can deny only when there is existence of something you can not deny in void and vaccum. Your very rejection suggests that you accept the existence of the matter you deny. If that matter does not exist, how can you deny it? An atheist denies, it means that he accepts the existence of the God. “
” It is better to take initiative to shine out than to be an ordinary member of crowd. Take the leadership. Don’t walk after or with the crowd. “
” Life is a song. Sing it.Singing makes you healthy. “
“The whole Ramayana took place on account of seeing. The whole Mahabharata took place on account of speaking. So, we should learn tow important lessons from these epics: A) Always see good things. Having seen the golden deer, Sitaji was tempted by the gold and she got the whole golden place which was Lanka but she lost Ram. She had to pay high price for her temptation. B) Get hold of your tongue. Words can make or mar your life”
“Culture plays vital role in good and evil thoughts and deeds. However high the vulture flies in the sky, its eyes are always on the meat lying on the earth. In spite of heaving the knowledge of four vedas, because of the lack of culture, Ravan’s actions and thoughts were perverted.”
” Learn from the past. Deal with the present only and then you can make your future shine & bright. “
” Energy can not be destroyed it can only be transformed. “
” Never delay in doing good deeds. Don’t give false promises to yourself. The person who can not become good today, what is the guarantee that he will be good tomorrow? “
” If you can’t plant flowers on others’ roads at least don’t plant thrones. “
” We light a lamp in the evening as it lightens the room. The darkness of night can’t overpower the room because of the presence of the enlightened lamp. Just the same way, before the darkness of ignorance envelops you in its embrace, enlighten yourself with light of knowledge. “
” Good deeds bring you good fate. Bad deeds bring you bad fate. Your deeds shape your fate. Gain and pain depend upon your deeds which creates fate. “