Glimpse of Swami Manishanandji’s Life
Born in the royal family of the rulers of Phulpur state in Burma (now Myanmar), the present incarnation of Guruji had inherited limitless comforts and a cultured, religious, and resourceful lineage. He was fathered by a highly respected and duty-bound gentleman of highest integrity and character, colonel Shri Krishnapratapsinhji and mothered by a cultured, religious, virtuous and God-fearing lady, Shrimati Dharmishtha Ba. He was named Shivnarayan, which, by fortunate coincidence, connoted the confluence of two of the greatest governing powers of this universe, Shiv and Narayan. Gurudji’s name was an auspicious omen and a suggestive forecast of the highest spiritual glory that this divine soul was destined to achieve.
Being raised in army culture, Guruji had inherited the virtues of discipline, dedication, principled living and focussing on personal goals right since childhood. These gifts nurtured him to become a bright, bubbly intelligent boy. Outstanding in studies, he passed his M.Sc. with shining ranks and earned a well-deserved gold medal. Immediately thereafter, he set off on an academic career. He was selected for IAS but opted for a professor.
But destiny had different designs for Guruji. It wanted him to teach not just the science of textbooks but the science of real life! And much beyond that, the science of supreme truth and bliss! The whole world was to be his university and the global citizen, his student. In alliance with this predicament, though totally dedicated to his work at conscious level, Guruji constantly sought a higher goal subconsciously. It was as if a distant but distinct beacon was constantly signalling him to seek the supreme light, the sublime awakening. This urge was indicative in Guruji’s birth date itself (January 14), which marks the onset of Makar’s revolution around the supreme source of light and energy, the Sun God.
At last succumbing to the inner voice’s call, Guruji quit his job, his worldly comforts and his princely status. He closed he worldly phase of his life at a youthful age of just 26-27 and opened a new one, the true one, which would ultimately reward him with the lasting riches of rational spirituality.
Thus began the transcendence of Professor Shivnarayan into that of Swami Manishanandji. Throughout the trying initial phase of his sainthood, the able, profoundly enriched and immensely spiritual self of Swami Madhavanandji, Guruji’s Guru, was constantly with him to guide him on the hitherto unexplored path of spiritualism and worldly renunciation. The fact that Sami Madhavanandji had only one disciple speaks volumes about how able that Disciple might have been! Just one heartening example would prove how mutually fulfilling Guru-Shishya bond must have been. Under the able mentorship of Swami Madhavanandji, Guruji could achieve the coveted designation of Mahamandaleshwar at one go itself. And soon after, he got the acclaim of being named Paramhans too. Guruji’s next milestone in this spiritual journey was achieving the rare recognition of Brahmavidvadvarishth, meaning the one who has become one with that which is ultimate, timeless and immortal.
After much wandering and exploring, Guruji settled down on the banks of holy Narmada at Angareshwar village in Bharuch District of Gujarat, India. He made it his Karma Bhoomi. And since more than 30 years, his Ashram at Angareshwar has become an abode of peace and tranquillity, a place to seek hope and happiness, a shrine where the human spirit and sublime soul are worshipped 24X7!
The wonderful and incredible thing about Guruji’s Ashram is, that it is not only sought after by saints and sages, but its doors just like the doors of his heart, are always open for the sansari beings who are agog with the mundane problems of the cumbersome and gruelling life of 21st century. May it be a fight between brothers, or heritage dispute, or marital discord, Guruji always embraces one and all with a warm heart and compassionate love, embalming their bruises and letting their fatigued life recuperate in his pious Nishra. And when the time comes to go back to their routine lives, these beings return with a renewed rejuvenation that inspires them to live their lives as better humans. Guruji is truly secular. He does not discriminate. For him, a human being is the most wonderful creation of God and he thinks that if he could do his bit to improve and enrich their lives without the bias of caste, creed or color, his sainthood would prove to be worthwhile. Through his inspiring discourses and insightful interaction, Guruji facilitates a close encounter with the inner divinity and awakens the potential of self-realization that lies dormant within every self that is fortunate enough to come in his contact. This process invariably culminates in the journey from Aham (ignorance and ego) to Soham (self knowledge and humility). And the journey transforms a person into a wholesome personality.
Guruji is amity and compassion personified. He is the light of eternal knowledge, the ocean of love, the Himalaya of inner peace and a living testimony of the everlasting relevance of the philosophy of holy Gita. His speech is soaked in sanctum sentiment, his heart is like a pristine paradise, his dialogue is like an evergreen oasis amidst a barren wasteland of incommunicable relationships, his thoughts are inspiring and motivating, and his words are like potent powerhouses that charge latent capacities. His style is transparent and his approach transcendent. He is genuinely secular and he embraces every body that bows to him reverently. He showers his blessings without bias and his Midas touch never fails to soothe the damaged souls that take recluse in his loving care.
So profound and lasting is the effect of Guruji’s darshan that those fortunate to have come in contact with him once, return again and again, to drink from the cup of elixir that is ever overflowing with his love and compassion.
We hereby attempt to give you a glimpse of the vast, verdant and spectacular landscape of Guruji’s selfless life and deeds. Guruji’s bliss is immense.