“At the residence of Shri Shantibhai of Khajod in Surat district, a small boy fell in a tank while playing. After some time everybody missed his presence and started searching for him. Ultimately when he was found in the tank, the boy was unconscious and his whole body had swollen due to water entering in it. There was no hope of his survival, but still, just for consolation, he was taken to the hospital. His condition was so bad that even the doctors raised their hands. Shantibhai had undying faith in Guruji, so he called him and narrated the unfortunate incident to him. Guruji consoled Shantibhai and asked him not to worry. He instructed that the doctors should administer oxygen to the boy for a few minutes and that he would handle the rest. On doing so, the boy came to life again, much to the astonishment of the doctors. The boy was saved, proving that Pujya Gurujdev’s Divine powers and blessings were more powerful than medical science.”